Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Schmickrath Family

Before I moved to Pennsylvania I was able to do three last photoshoots of my families, The Galloways (posted below), the Schmickrath family (posted here) and the Semken Family (coming soon) all of them being my sister in laws and my sister! I loved all three of them for their individuality! I am going to miss Utah majorly because of all of them!


Galloway family

I loved this photoshoot, my sister in law Suzanne and I left all of our children with her husband so we could drive around picking locations and shopping for outfits. Mainly we just wanted some girl time before the craziness that accompanies family pictures. But Suz and Tom and their beautiful children are naturals at getting their pictures taken, there were so many variations it is hard to narrow down my favorites!

Love you guys, I sure miss you! Thank you for letting me take your pictures, it was so fun to spend time with you before I moved.


Wednesday, October 13, 2010


This was my second newborn shoot and it was so great! We had a fun time trying out different setups and styles of pictures around Cal's house. Of course we took lots of breaks to feed and sleep and play! Thank you Angela for letting me experiment with your precious baby. These are just a few my favorites:

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