Monday, March 23, 2009

Beauty in Difficult Circumstances

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Elisa said...

Hey, I forgot to answer your last question. I have D40 with a basic kit lense, its nothing too special but i like it. I'm dying to a cooler camera, hoping my husband will need to get a new one for his company soon so I can use it. I saw on facebook that you're selling your 300, what are you wanting for it? Have you put it on KSL? It's such a good place to sell stuff.

Stacey said...

those pictures are seriously awesome!!!!

Sunshine Designed said...

Absolutely love the top shot. So vivid! You do beautiful work. Keep it up! I know a cute little girl whose turning five soon. If you need any extra experience, she loves to model!

Kyla Stevens said...

Heck ya! I love your girls, I would love to take any of their pics.
Give me a call.

Jessica Kettle said...

thanks kyla! all of the lighting was natural in the parking garage. i only use flash for wedding receptions. =)

Suzanne Plant said...

I LOVE that second shot! Amazing with the black and white dead flower in the background with the vibrant purple. So creative!

To answer your question you asked on my blog, I bought that shirt and dress for my daughter at Kohls last year and I used them for those sisters. It's the Candies brand clothing they sell there.