Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Christmas Sessions!!!! ~Great deal, don't miss out!~

Now is the best time to schedule family sessions for Christmas Pictures!

I am offering Mini-sessions for $50:
  • 30 minute session
  • 3-8 poses
  • 3-15 edited pictures
  • High- resolution cd
  • Copy right release
These are perfect photoshoots for the holiday season. Everyone is so busy so there is not a lot of time for a long session. They are non stressful. And if you have one family member like mine who loathes getting his picture taken, you can say, "Hey, you will only have to be there for 30 minutes!"
And you will also be able to have a beautiful, professional, affordable, family picture to send out to all your friends and family.

Book soon to allow time for making Christmas cards and sending!

Email me for scheduling @


1 comment:

Suzanne G said...

I highly recommend Kyla. She just did our family's pictures in August and we are sooo in love with them. We are using them for our Christmas card. Thanks Kyla!