Saturday, February 14, 2009

Wendi and Dusty's Wedding

Happy Valentines Day. What better way to celebrate Vday than by looking at loveydovey pictures.

These are a few pictures from a wedding where I was the second photographer for Cascio Photography. It was so fun. This couple is great and had really great chemistry, meaning lots of kisses. :)


Cascio Photography said...

Thanks so much for being there with me!! It was so fun working with you friend!! I can't wait for more :)

Brooke said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog and checking out my pics! The fact that I inspired you to do the 365 day photo challenge makes me smile :) I didn't think about it when I decided to do it, I heard about it in the afternoon and started when I got home from work that day. It was very spontaneous! It's really tough to get through, but you'll be great! Are you going to be posting them on your blog? I can't to see your pics, good luck!

Brooke said...

Oh yeah and I love, love the picture of the pearl necklace, beautiful!