Sunday, January 4, 2009

Great Friends

My most awesome friend/mentor/professional photographer, Brittany Cascio is really helping me learn and develop as a photographer. She has invited me along to her personal family photos to help me learn. But its not all selfless, I am nice enough to show up so that she can be in the pictures. Imagine that! This is one of the family photoshoots with Mom, Darsie, whom is also a friend.

(Brittany and Brayden)
(Brian and Riley)
(Cascio Clan)

Daggum it I love the whole family.

She is so sweet to set up the shot, let me use her equipment, and showed me most of her secrets.

And I got this gem of a shot. Love it. Love it.

Thank you So much for helping me Brittany!

Inspire one another,

Kyla :)


Unknown said...

Love it, love it, love it! Way to go Kyla!! YOU are so talented. Way to follow your dreams, I am so jealous of you!

Missy said...

I love the first pic of the mom with the son! I love pictures that are really close and personal like that one is composed! Very cute!

Suzanne G said...

Absolutely beautiful pictures Kyla!
I love your work. These pictures are top notch! Nice job! You are so talented. WE're coming up soon and would love a photo shoot.
Love Ya Girl!!

Cascio Photography said...

Kyla! You ROCK!! Thank you so much for being up for my last minute shoots all the time! I love having you around and you are totally going places!! I couldn't ask for a better friend/fellow photog geek :)