Saturday, January 3, 2009

Launch of the new Photo blog!

Welcome to the Lauch party! Things are wild here!

Heres the launch of my new photoblog! This is very exciting. A place where I can showcase my very favorite pictures.

I hope that you enjoy looking at these photos as much as I do. I don't take myself too seriously, and apparently, neither do my kids!

Don't worry, these are as candid as it gets for my babies!
This is classic Adrienne saying "cheese!!!!!"

This site will be great for people who are waiting to get their pictures, so they can get a sneak preview here.

Go ahead, leave a comment.

Inspire one another,


1 comment:

The Winns said...

how did you get them to stay on the back? So cute. Your pictures are great love the new ones of the temple.